It’s a Mac Thing: I think I get it.

Cool. I got my iMac last week, and Iâ??ve spent the weekend getting to know it. Itâ??s a really great machine. The Mac OS has come a long way since my last experience with it (back in the OS 8.5 days). Iâ??ve been following it closely ever since leaving it for the Windows camp, but reading about it and using it are two different things. I welcome this move out of the Windows morass!

Iâ??m using the iMac Core Duo, and the great iLife software that comes standard on it, to build this web site. Iâ??m going back in time, posting items from my diary and other defunct blogs as time permits.

Itâ??s interesting to note that there is a great amount of fear regarding Appleâ??s technology. First and foremost, thereâ??s a camp of people who steadfastly refuse to consider buying/using a Mac. In my many conversations with these people, it becomes readily apparent that theyâ??ve never used a Mac. Ever. They have, for all intents, been limited to the Microsoft method of computing. Now, to each his own, but it sure seems to me that before you state an opinion, you ought to have some knowledge of the topic. Otherwise, you become a victim of your own prejudice. Lord knows thatâ??s the cause of a great deal of heartache in the world. If your desktop bigotry leaves you defending a myth….

A friend of mine chastised me for buying the new-model iMac, going so far as announcing to a coworker of mine that I had made a mistake. His point was that no-one in their right mind would buy a new revision of a computer. Whatâ??s obvious is that heâ??s basing his sentiments on trolling the various Mac-faithful forum sites, wherein users report various problems with their computers. It seems to me that these forums are in no way representative of the Macintosh experience; those with problems will seek out a solution by posting to the boards. Plainly thatâ??s human nature. Heck, Marketing 101 taught us is that dissatisfied customers shriek the loudest. I doubt the users who have no problems are posting their experiences there. In a nutshell, to view a companyâ??s offerings based on support forums ignores the other 1,253,900 quarterly buyers who arenâ??t having problems. And finally, itâ??s less than reasonable to suggest that buying a PC from one of the clone assemblers is an experience any safer: Apple consistently beats the pants off other vendors in customer satisfaction.

Fantastic stuff, Apple.

UCCS Meets iMac – Day 2

Day Two has turned out no different than Day One. There’s been a non-stop stream of people stopping by my office, each one walking away impressed as hell with the iMac Duo. Even the die-hard Windows people are taking some time to check out the offerings.

UCCS students Mike and Isaac mug for the built-in camera of the iMacA number of people have been commenting that Macs don’t fit well into the workflow of our College. They’ve variously informed me that Macs wouldn’t interface well with our NT-based file servers, that the Internet would be slower, that VPN was problematic, and that Office documents couldn’t be used. Classic anti-mac sentiments based on misinformation.

Now, given the state of IT on our campus, I would have been within my rights to be a bit nervous. But, I figured, if the Mac can connect and function here, that would be a real testament to its capabilities. It’s kind of like the new kid trying to fit into the established clique, all the while maintaining his authenticity… I usually root for that guy.

So, on Day Two I disproved all of those misinformed assertions. I connected to the file shares — and all parties, including the tech support guys, commented that even though I was using wireless, the file directories appeared much faster than on Windows. I then opened every Word, PowerPoint and Excel document thrown at me, from a number of “interested” parties. Of course, I was able to VPN into the campus network with nary a problem. It just keeps getting better and better.

I then demonstrated to several staff and faculty members how quickly a web site could be built, even using advanced technology typically out of the reach of that audience, such as blogging, photo albums, RSS feeds, and podcasts.

Looks like the Mac may have a place in the College of Business after all.

UCCS meets iMac

Wow. It’s amazing what an impact this little machine is having on the people I work with. It’s been non-stop traffic in my office, located just outside the MBA program suite in the College of Business at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. People are really deeply interested in the alternatives to Windows that are out there. Sure, the iMac is a beautiful piece of hardware to put on your desk, but even more than that, people were really turned on by how tightly integrated the software is on it. UCCS finance instructor Gordon This guy, a finance instructor, put it well: “The only thing they could do to make it easier is to plug it into my head and let me control it with my thoughts.” He’s bummed because he just purchased a Dell.

I think I’ll leave it here overnight so that I can use it tomorrow at work.

The iMac Arrives

After anxiously enduring shipping delays, buyerâ??s remorse, and all the other events of the week, my new iMac Core Duo arrived this morning. Did I expect it to? No.

It was rescheduled to arrive on Friday the 27th. When I rolled in to work, I checked, and it was on the truck for delivery. Now, usually, FedEx delivers in the early afternoon (1 p.m.-ish), but I had a strange feeling that they would be early. So I immediately bailed, drove home, and no more than ten minutes later I was calling my wife, telling her I had received it. Fantastic. Iâ??m going to bring it in to work tomorrow.